*My brother and sister have decided that we are experiencing a saga. As such, I have come to refer to the stressor events as episodes, a la Star Wars.
Episode 1: The Grandmothers
On September 27, one of my grandmothers passed away on her 96th brthday. Six days later, her funeral was held. Because of my pregnancy, I could not attend. That evening, we received word that my other grandmother, who was 97, had passed away. Again, I could not make the funeral. Everyone understood, but I was crushed not just by the double loss, but by my inability to join my family in mourning.
Episode 2: The Bathroom
Our bathroom needed fixing for close to two years now, but it finally reached the point where it was unusuable, between the non-working tub drain and tiles falling off the shower wall. So, we finaly made arrangments to get it redone. The original plan was for it to be finished before Jellybean arrived. However, the day after work started, we found out that the subcontractor who was scheduled to start the next day had just been rescued after a week lost in the wilderness and was in the hospital close to death. This put things a week behind as we got a new subcontractor. Several other hiccups came along, as they always do in remodel projects, and it finally got finished this week. It looks amazing, and we are totally thrilled with it and the people who did it. However, next time, I will not schedule remodel work for when I am 9 months pregnant or about to have a child undergo heart surgery.
Episode 3: Jellybean
So, we knew Jellybean was going to have issues and expected the heart surgery, but just because we knew about it didn't make it any less stressful. He did so well with his recovery the first few days after surgery that we got our hopes up that he was going to beat the curve. However, progress slowed and then things went backwards for a time as he lost weight, got congested, and refused to be weaned off the oxygen. Progress has started again, but it is slow-going and the waiting is sometimes tedious. This is, by far, the biggest stressor, and the unknowns don't help. Still, we know we're getting amazing care and we are in the very best place for him. We just hope we get to bring Jellybean home soon.
Episode 4: The Mentor
On November 11, we learned that Phil's mentor, Rev. Dr. C, was going into hospice. Just as we were starting to process the news, we found out that he passed away. This was a huge hit not just for Phil, but also his parents, who are busy watching Lil' Bit for us in absentia, because Rev. Dr. C was their pastor and friend for so many years. Because, you know, what we really needed was more death and grief stress while our son is fighting for his life.
Episode 5: The Emergency Appendectomy
Yesterday, we got a call that Phil's mother was in the hospital with what was ultimately determined to be appendecitis. They called the surgical team in last night so that they could take care of it before it ruptured. Still, we had to figure out arrangements for Lil' Bit for the afternoon and evening since Phil's folks were out of service. Fortunately, her godparents stepped up and Lil' Bit got to spend her birthday with four of her favorite people. Chuch members also stepped up and started planning meals to bring to the house. So, everything turned out well, but again, lots of extra stress.
Episode 6: The Furnace
While my mother-in-law was convelescing in the hospital overnight, our furnace quit working and my father-in-law woke up to a cold house. Phil headed home to oversee repair stuff and also to visit his mom and see Lil' Bit, while I held down the fort at the hospital. Fortunately, the furnace problem was just a pilot light issue, so it was an easy and relatively cheap fix. Even so, it was one more d*** thing.
So, here's the deal. I am done. I have had enough. I know better than to ask if anything else could go wrong; there's always something more that could happen. So, instead, I would like to kindly request the universe to give us a break. Let us get through the rest of Jellybean's hospitalization without additional episodes. I'm glad we've been amazing and handled all kinds of stuff so well (so far), but I am tired of having to be amazing. I'd like a little quiet, please. But, if that's not in the cards, then I'll just ask that we continue to find positive resolutions for whatever comes; that we have enough emotional and physical energy left to do whatever needs to be done; that we have enough love, prayers, and support to see us through. My simple prayer is for "enough."