

Dear Baby

There's another blog I sometimes read, called Birthing Beautiful Ideas.  Although I find her slightly more "crunchy" than I, she comes across as quite moderate and I love her humor and insight.  During her last pregnancy, she did a series of letters to her growing child that she titled "Dear Baby."  Today, as I was having a personal rant, I found myself ranting to my baby.  Because I began my talk, "Dear Baby" I thought I might shamelessly steal her concept.  So, here, for your reading pleasure, is my first "Dear Baby."

Dear Baby,

You are roughly 5 weeks old today (counting the very weird pregnancy way in which you are 2 weeks old before I even conceive).  Do not ask me why they make us all lie to each other this way.  It is the medical establishment and I have no control over them.  Maybe someday you can grow up and make them all see reason.

Anyway, I want you to know that I love you.  And to prove how much I already love you, I am eating a salad.  See, I am a lover of almost anything sweet and carbolicious and I am a HUGE fan of comfort food.  So, when today turned into an extremely stressful day, all I really wanted was a big, honking glass of McD's sweet tea, followed shortly by nuggets slathered in sweet n' sour sauce, fries slathered in said sauce, and a shamrock shake.  But I didn't.  I had a SALAD!  Because I love you.


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