Yesterday, we had to switch Lil' Bit from her 12-month pajamas to her 18-month pajamas. Incidentally, children's clothes seem to never actually fit. They start out too big but, before you know it, they are are too small, so you move up a size to clothes that are once again too big. So, the 18-month pajamas are a little large--although not as much as I would have expected. When I look at them, they look huge, but once they are on, they don't look baggy. Anyway, in the process of switching her pajamas out, I realized how much she has changed in the last 13-months. She never ceases to amaze me with what she knows and I thought I would share some of that with you. So, without further delay, here is a list of some of the changes we have witnessed in Lil' Bit:
-She has taken her first steps. Although she still prefers to hang on to things, she can take one or two steps before toppling over.
-She is 98% able to crawl backwards down stairs. The remaining 2% is figuring how to turn around at the top of the stairs and not getting confused half-way down and starting back up.
-She can look at a box to figure out if the top is open and, if it is, pop it open to see what is inside. This helps her get her own Cheerios and cookies.
-She can pop lids off and on any puff container.
-She can mostly twist lids off and on her sippy fruit packages.
-She can drink from a straw. She hasn't mastered regular sippy cups, but she loves to use those with straws.
-She working on the whole silverware thing. Yesterday, she took her fork and kept dipping it in the yogurt and then licking it clean. She will also pick up foods off her tray and stick them on the fork before sticking the fork in her mouth to eat it.
-She is great at mimicking. When people laugh around her, she will laugh. One of my favorites is when I took her hand to help her pet the kitty (rather than poke or grab it). After a few strokes, she grabbed my thumb and moved my hand back and forth to help me pet the kitty.
-She loves pulling scrunchies out of my hair and then putting them on her own head--since she has no hair yet to put them on.
-She knows there are things she's not supposed to do and she gets a little twinkle in her eye before she tries to do them, often looking over at us to see whether we notice her about to do something she isn't supposed to.
-She has favorite games she likes to play, particularly those that involve lap bouncing and turning upside down. She will bounce to let you know she wants more, or throw herself backward to let you know she wants to go upside down again.
I can't wait to see what the next 13 months have in store.
[Title changed on 1/16/12 from "Milestones" to "Baby Milestones" after discovering a previous post with same title. oops...]
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