

We Have a Plan

And there was much rejoicing (at least, by the piece of me that needs/yearns/longs to plan)!

I had my blood drawn this morning.  They were checking my estradiol (estrogen) level.  It needed to be under 25 and, as an overachiever, mine was 12.  I dutifully called the fertility center and left a message with the coordinator with all of the pertinent information.  She called me back and said I could start my additional meds today!  This is good news because it means:

  • we're underway.  Always exciting!  
  • I am, with minimal give or take, 17 days away from transfer day!  OMG!  That is freakishly soon!
  • FEWER SHOTS!  Again, with minimal give or take, I now have only 14 shots left.  Can I get a "Woo Hoo"?!  That is like passing "Go" and collecting $200.  

Okay, now for the plus or minus caveats.  I am scheduled for an ultrasound on the 26th, at which point they will determine whether my lining is sufficient.  If not, they could push things out a little further, which would involve additional shots.  However, according to the doctor, it is unusual for things not to be spot on.  So, although there's a chance for a few additional shots and some pushback in the schedule, we're looking at a February 2 procedure.  As the person always thinking ahead, my first thought (and I'm sure your's too) was:  "What would this mean in terms of due date?"  I frantically scoured Google for the answer because, well, it's me.  It's what I do.  This really should shock none of you by now.  Anyway, the answer is, roughly October 22.  I say "roughly" not just because due dates are always estimates, but because I don't know exactly how the due date is calculated for an FET and the on-line FET calculators ask whether it's a 3-day or 5-day FET.  I *think* it will be considered a 3-day, but I don't know and, honestly, it isn't going to make that big a difference.  *Gasp*  Did I just say that?  Yes, I did.  Who am I?!  Well, likely, I'm still me because the truth of the matter is, they will tell me my "official" due date when the time comes, so this rough guesstimate is fine for now.

Finally, for those interested in the technical details:

  • Today I started taking estradiol pills and tonight I will cut my Lupron (the shot) dosage in half.  
  • The Lupron will stay the same, but the estradiol will increase on days 6 and 10.  
  • On day 11, I have an ultrasound (the 26th for those paying attention from earlier).  
  • If everything is fine, I continue the estradiol and Lupron 4 more days  (including the 26th, so through the 29th).
  • On the 30th (day 15) drop Lupron altogether (NO MORE SHOTS), cut back on estradiol, and begin progesterone supplements.
  • Day 18 (Feb 2)--Transfer day!
Now comes the hard part.  Now that we have a plan in place, I have to acknowledge I'm not in control!!  Gah!  Memo to me--plan does not equal control.  *Sigh*  At least I can maintain a semblance of control by making sure all my meds are timely.  Right?  Who's with me?  *crickets*  Fine.  But hey, we're on our way.  And not even my lack of control and burst that bubble today!  Woo Hoo!  

1 comment:

  1. Didn't you realize you weren't in control from the moment your daughter was born? :)
