[The following is a post that was started while in the hospital with Lil' Bit back in November.]
During my youth, I was quite enamored with Monty Python. One of their signature bits is "The Spanish Inquisition," the tagline of which is, "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition." I have always thought of it as a funny way to remember that although you can anticipate the unexpected, you are never really prepared for it. And so it was, in the midst of all of the craziness going on in the hospital as we awaited our escape--I mean discharge--I received the opportunity to re-learn that, no matter how hard you try, you simply cannot plan for everything.
When we got ready to go to the hospital for Lil' Bit's surgery, I knew I would forget things. I did my best to think of everything I could: toys that were easy to clean for when she tossed them on the floor; multiple toys so we could introduce a new one each day to postpone boredom; blankets from home to comfort her; clothes for her return home; her favorite puffs, both for eating and distraction purposes. And, all told, I did a great job--particularly considering that the stay doubled its original expected length and almost tripled.
What I forgot, however, is that she's a baby. I was busy planning for everything related to surgery and recovery and everything that was different about this event. What I forgot was the normal stuff. And so it was, after several days of lots of fussiness, spitting up lots of mucus, and numerous other problems we hadn't expected, that we discovered that Lil' Bit was teething. That's right teething. Right in the middle of trying to figure out all this other crap, she went ahead and did what kids normally do around this time and began to sprout more teeth. Did I think to bring any teethers? Any orajel? Heck no. Teething was nowhere on my radar. Teething, it turns out, is the Spanish Inquisition. Who knew?
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